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Email notifications

Michael Mancini (1362410) | asked Apr 19 '10, 8:57 a.m.
Is there any way to configure the email notification in RRC other than the default? I ask this mainly for reviews. Here is the situation we are encountering:

    Create a review
    Select either formal or informal
    Change the due date
    Assign the users
    Start the review

This triggers 2 emails each time, one that the review has started, and the other being that the due date has changed. Sending two email's out each review is unnecessary and would be nice if we could configure when to send the notifications out.

5 answers

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Robin Bater (3.4k47) | answered Apr 28 '10, 8:43 p.m.
I know of no way to change the e-mail notification and would suggest raising a enhancement work item.

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Michael Mancini (1362410) | answered Apr 29 '10, 8:45 a.m.
I know of no way to change the e-mail notification and would suggest raising a enhancement work item.

I've logged a defect, not an enhancement..

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Sally-Anne Prout (11022316) | answered Feb 10 '12, 10:17 a.m.
My client has CLM setup using RTC, RQM and RRC. RTC email notifications are passed through the SMTP gateway using the email setup in the JTS server with no problem. The use of email through the SMTP gateway had to be authorised.

However, we are being told that the RRC emails are being blocked by the mail administrator.

What I don't understand is why is RRC Review emails being blocked when RRC uses the email setings in the JTS email notification area (same as RTC) where the email from address and email from name are set.

Please can someone help out with this?

Sally :?

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Benjamin Silverman (4.1k610) | answered Feb 10 '12, 12:28 p.m.
Hi Sally,

My initial thought was that the mail server doesn't like spoofing names, but if RTC emails work then it rules that out. The only thing I can suggest is comparing the email headers if you are able to find one of the blocked emails sitting on the mail server with one of the "good" emails from RTC. Does the mail server return any message as to why the email has been blocked from sending?

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Sally-Anne Prout (11022316) | answered Feb 15 '12, 11:55 a.m.
It would appear that the email notification from RRC is being sent directly from the User.

When comparing it with an RTC email notification email notification for RTC comes from the address specified in the server email settings on the JTS Server.


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