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Cannot delete artifact after upgrade

Ivan Bula (58106) | asked Feb 04 '10, 12:21 p.m.
Hi Everyone

After upgrade to, does not let me delete requirements. Someone knows how to fix this?.


4 answers

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Robin Bater (3.4k47) | answered Feb 08 '10, 3:44 p.m.
Hi Everyone

After upgrade to, does not let me delete requirements. Someone knows how to fix this?.


The upgrade often removes the licenses on the server. Have the license keys been reapplied?

specifically step 14: Reinstall the license keys.

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Ivan Bula (58106) | answered Feb 12 '10, 5:15 p.m.
Hi Everyone

After upgrade to, does not let me delete requirements. Someone knows how to fix this?.


The upgrade often removes the licenses on the server. Have the license keys been reapplied?

specifically step 14: Reinstall the license keys.

Hi, thanks for your help. I reinstalled the license keys but dont works

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Stef van Dijk (2.0k179) | answered Feb 13 '10, 10:13 a.m.
Check and see if thee is any information available in the client log. It is typically located in the directory:
C:\Documents and Settings\{Windows login id}\IBM\RequirementsComposer\workspace\.metadata

What would help would be to close the client, rename the current log, restart the client and attempt to delete something. This will result in a minimal log which hopefully contains clues for just the problem of deleting.

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Ivan Bula (58106) | answered Feb 19 '10, 10:43 a.m.
Check and see if thee is any information available in the client log. It is typically located in the directory:
C:\Documents and Settings\{Windows login id}\IBM\RequirementsComposer\workspace\.metadata

What would help would be to close the client, rename the current log, restart the client and attempt to delete something. This will result in a minimal log which hopefully contains clues for just the problem of deleting.

i delete the following property in the file and works fine :

- = false

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