is it Recommend to Store Excel, ppt in RTC components ? if Yes what level of Data size (files) is allowed and if not why what are the impacts ?

Accepted answer

You should feel free to store binary files in RTC components ... it will store them efficiently (compressing, etc.)

Yes, those would all be considered binary files. Any file that looks like gibberish when you open it in a text viewer (like the Windows Notepad tool) is a binary file.

Thanks a lot Geoff, for quick reply.
2 other answers

Hi Vijayakumar,

Say you have 10 files, 50MB each in the component. Check-In & Delivery of SCM Code needs to sync this 500MB each time. Hence day-to-day affair of check-in & delivery would be time consuming.

Checkin requires that the data get transferred from the local disk to the server, but deliver does not transfer any data ... it just updates some pointers. If you are using Eclipse or Visual Studio to make your edits, the files are not scanned on disk, but instead, notifications from Eclipse and Visual Studio are used to determine when a file has changed. I believe date stamps are also used to decrease scanning costs, but we'd need someone from the RTC dev team to confirm that.