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Preconditions in RTC out of the box

Tom Batting (757) | asked Mar 13 '13, 1:00 p.m.
 I am trying to find out about what preconditions come as standard with RTC 4.01 and cant seem to find a reference anywhere. Would someone be able to either send a link to a list of the preconditions available and what they do/how they work or post a list of preconditions available? Also I would like to know what the capability is to set preconditions for child and parent work items. Many Thanks.

Accepted answer

permanent link
Matt Lennon (61225) | answered Mar 13 '13, 1:53 p.m.
Hi Tom.

This document is a general discussion of RTC preconditions and follow-up actions, and in the Additional Resource section contains a link to a table of the out-of-the-box ones that ship with RTC. It is based on, however, so it may be missing a few that are new since then.

Tom Batting selected this answer as the correct answer

Tom Batting commented Mar 13 '13, 1:59 p.m.

Matt thanks for this, it was extremely helpful! Do you know if there were any changes to the preconditions for version 4.01? ThanksĀ 

Tim Mok commented Mar 13 '13, 2:55 p.m.

I believe the online help doc also briefly explains the preconditions.

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