Exported hyperlinks font color(blue) is not displaying in RPE_v.2.0.1

I am exporting DNG(v_6.0.6.1) module content from RPE V. 2.0.1. There are some embedded artifacts linked with the content(description), which is exported as a hyperlink but the font color for hyperlinked content is the same(black). I want hyperlinks to be displayed in blue color. I changed the preferences also in RPE document studio and launcher for the hyperlink, but its still not showing in the blue fonts.
The same thing is working as expected in V. 2.1.2 , but not in V_2.0.1.
is this thing a version specific? I tried to find it online but I couldn't get any substantial information for the same.
How can I set the blue font color for the exported hyperlinks in RPE V_2.0.1?
Any leads would be helpful.