RPE - Artifact Type URI different between project areas (using same type system)

I'm trying to publish by filtering using a typeURI in the format:
I have got this working, however, The typeURI seems to be different between different Project Areas even though they are using the same Type System. this was achieved by creating the component in the project area then "Import Component Properties" from my template component.
The Artifact Type definition in the Component Properties have the same artifact name and artifact URI which is in the format:
However, in one Project Area, the TypeURI is _mvyesFHLEeuMrfkR2rtkWQ and in the other it's _bLvB4ldLEeuMrfkR2rtkWQ.
By using a consistent Type system and URI name space scheme, I was expecting that I could do publishing by "artifact type" across multiple projects without having to specify the typeName AND ProjectURI (just specify typeURI).
One answer

A common technique used by applications is to use system-generated type URIs and/or predicate URIs and then use
to associate those URIs with stable external user-defined URIs. See https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/LinkedData/BestPractices. I don't know if that's the case here. Perhaps the reportable REST API supports querying on
Glyn Costello
Aug 27 '21, 1:50 p.m.Hi,
Geoffrey Clemm
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Aug 27 '21, 1:59 p.m.It looks like RPE is expecting the UUID of the type as the value of its ?typeURI parameter, which as you've correctly pointed out, differs in every project area. Have you tried using the URI of the type (the property of the type that you are allowed to set, which actually is a URI)? If not, we'll need an RPE expert to come up with some suggestion.