Publish Review Comments for a Text Artfiact from a Module Review

I'm trying to find out how I can publish review comments from a module review where cmoments are entered against text artifacts within the module (within the review).
...with global config as well.
Starting with the Review URI, I can see the module artifact URI, but no configuration context.
Manually setting the configuration and querying the text artifact with "includeComments=true" only returns the "general" comments, not the comments from the review.
Can the "" be added in anyway to the query URL?
Accepted answer

you can do a GET to a url like this
with headers
OSLC-Core-Version : 2.0
DoorsRP-Request-Type : private
Accept : application/rdf+xml
in this example TX_44Z2kPFQEeuLhqyLcTaubw is the artifact for which we want to get the comments and _7oupIfFQEeuLhqyLcTaubw it's the review ID

That worked!!! Where is this actually documented? I trawled the site and the IBM documentation....

I don't think it's docummented, i just did my own tests and figured out

However, my next step is to get from a Review to this artifact within the module.
I'm struggling with the dynamic datasource configuration during publishing because the Reportable API for DNG doesn't pass on the global configuration that the Module is being reviewed under.
I'm trying to create a "Document Style Report" for a review which contains a module and publish any "Review comments" that are registered against text artifacts within the module.
So I have a "Review" Datasource schema in my template. The XML data that comes back for that review URI has the resource URI for the module, but not the configuration URI. So I'm unable to dynamically configure a datasource in the template.

Please note that the header DoorsRP-Request-Type : private indicates an internal API.