Cannot delete an Related Artifacts link on RTC.
2 answers
This ia another case for How should I ask a question in the Forum if I want to receive useful answers?
Once you provide some more useful information maybe we can help. Otherwise you could contact our support that can ask for the minimum information needed.
Having said that, I have seen that links that have been created incorrectly with the API could not be deleted. E.g. they could not be deleted in the Web UI. It usually then was able to delete the link in the Eclipse UI or vice versa. Usually an error was displayed in the UI or in the logs.
So you can try another UI and see if that helps. Are the links created manually? Any information in the logs, Eclipse client error? Does this happen for all project areas? Does this happen for other link types as well?
Hi Ralph. Thanks for advise.
So, I'm not able to exclud the links only in UI Web, in Eclipse client it can be excluded normally.
The links was created manually. No error are reported in UI Web and it is happening in more than one PA, but not for all and there is no pattern for it. It's not happening for other link types, only for Related Artifacts.
I did a tail -f in ccm.log and got this lines when I've clicked on save.
2018-07-02 15:22:21,207 [WebContainer: 180 @@ 15:22 26272229615 Gecko / 20100101 Firefox / 38.0 @ / Mozilla / 5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; service / / workItem2] ERROR - Error invoking the Replenished SS Validator validator associated with the 'Replanning Reason' attribute in the project with ID '_aPAAsPX4EeKjyvaA3I13Yw'. You can link to the definition of the project area using a URL similar to https: // thehostname: 9443 / jazz / process / project-areas / _aPAAsPX4EeKjyvaA3I13Yw, where the host name, port, and jazz context are configured for your installation. Contact your project area administrator for assistance. Unexpected exception type
Caused by: org.mozilla.javascript.EcmaError: ReferenceError: "oldDataDataInterviewPrevista" is not defined. (validator-ss-resplanned.js # 57)
at org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptRuntime.constructError (
at org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptRuntime.constructError (
at org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptRuntime.notFoundError (
at org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptRuntime.nameOrFunction (
at (
at org.mozilla.javascript.gen.c10044._c2 (validator-ss-replanjada.js: 57)
at (validator-ss-replanjada.js)
at org.mozilla.javascript.ContextFactory.doTopCall (
at org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptRuntime.doTopCall (
at (validator-ss-replanjada.js)
at $ MethodHandler $ (
at $ MethodHandler.invoke (
at (
at (
at com.sun.proxy $ Proxy1238.validate (Unknown Source)
at (
... more
The error seens to indicate there is a custom (?) validator. Check if there are custom attribute customizations configured. Maybe remove them? Get in contact with suport.
Error invoking the Replenished SS Validator validator associated with the 'Replanning Reason' attribute in the project with ID '_aPAAsPX4EeKjyvaA3I13Yw'. You can link to the definition of the project area using a URL similar to https: // thehostname: 9443 / jazz / process / project-areas / _aPAAsPX4EeKjyvaA3I13Yw, where the host name, port, and jazz context are configured for your installation. Contact your project area administrator for assistance. Unexpected exception type
Caused by: org.mozilla.javascript.EcmaError: ReferenceError: "oldDataDataInterviewPrevista" is not defined.
Check attribute customization in the project area and check if there is a Replenished SS Validator.
Check the operational behavior if a validation precondition is defined on Save Work Item server. Remove it to see if that removes the error.
Otherwise contact support. I have seen broken project area configurations causing issues, hard to tell with no data.
Ulf Arne Bister
Jun 29 '18, 4:00 p.m.Have you checked your permissions in that project?
Leonardo Benevides
Jul 03 '18, 7:27 a.m.Hi Ulf, Yes I have already checked.