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Problem to copy file from RTC to PDS in Mainframe

Rodrigo Oliveira Barros (133) | asked Jun 10 '19, 2:21 p.m.

 Hi All,  i 'm facing a problem when i 'm tryied to copy some program to mainframe path.  I open a program versioned in RTC (downloaded in my workspace) it works fine. But when i copy this same file using IDz 14 to a path in mainframe (PDS) the file is showed all unconfigured, even when i open the file directly in Mainframe usin another tool.

The question is, when i copy and paste a file/program using a IDZ insterface some engine is converting the charset ? It's true?  Can i force use some configuration?

Thank you very much.

Best Regards
Rodrigo Barros

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Kenny Smith (302614) | answered Jun 10 '19, 3:52 p.m.
  1. Why are you copying up to the mainframe using IDz from an RTC Component project instead of just doing a build? The build, if set up correctly, should handle all character set translations for you. 
  2. The dataset you are copying to should be mapped in the z/OS File System mapping view. This tells IDz how to transfer a file (binary vs text), and convert character sets (UTF-8 to IBM-037, or IBM-1047, etc). 

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