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ERROR eam.repository.common.util.ExtensionRegistryReader - The com.ibm.team.qp.transport bundle's plugin.xml file contains a element with the uri attribute value com.ibm.team.qp.internal.service.IQuickPlannerRestService that is not unique

I am seeing below error message while verifying the CCM DB integrity using repotools. Can you please suggest ways to fix it
./repotools-ccm.sh -verify level=10
02:19:15,545 [Start Level Event Dispatcher] ERROR eam.repository.common.util.ExtensionRegistryReader - The com.ibm.team.qp.transport bundle's plugin.xml file contains a <service> element with the uri attribute value com.ibm.team.qp.internal.service.IQuickPlannerRestService that is not unique.
Repo Tools
Provisioning using "./conf/ccm/provision_profiles".
Jazz Foundation - Core Libraries, Version 5.0.2 (RJF-I20141028-1603)
Change and Configuration Management - Core Libraries, Version 5.0.2 (RTC-I20141031-0926)