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problem with repotools-jts.sh -syncUsers

3 answers


Thanks Ralph for this response...the issue "resolved" itself because of the nightly sync.

The only times I've seen the login failed error is if the credentials are wrong (I believe that the web UI will let you log in with the wrong case credentials, but repotools may not be as forgiving) or the database is in a bad state (for example, if the Jazz tables were not created yet or there is some problem connecting to the database).
I don't think your problem is with the database since the LDAP nightly sync works. Perhaps the case of your login credentials are not matching your LDAP credentials? Also, if there are special characters, you'll want to use quotes (or use the credentialsFile parameter).
Try running repotools -listLicenses with your credentials and see if that works.

Same error...I don't understand. Again, I am fine logging in and out with my LDAP user ID and password via Web and RTC client. I am a JazzAdmin. I will submit a PMR via the customer.

So we don't know exactly which LDAP server is serving the authentication request and which one is used during LDAP synch etc...
We found out, that two of our six LDAP servers were not working correctly, and that gave us such random results.
We found out with:
> nslookup ldap.company.net
This showed 6 servers
We tested with a
> ipconfig /flushdns
to get a new IP address of another LDAP server.
As a workaround we have a small scheduled job, which tries to logon and if it fails it does an "ipconfig /flushdns" and writes into a logfiles which IP address was not working. (So we have a statistic, we can show our IT provider.). This job runs evry two minutes in our environment. This can alo be used as an Heartbeat of Jazz and send an e-mail to a sysadmin if it is not working for two/three times.
BTW: we switch off case-sensitivity in all advanced settings of all CLM applications. In Active Directory LDAP this is always case-insensitive and in WAS it's the default.

Thanks for the answer.