RTC 5.0.2 - How do you perform hard deletes?
We are migrating our database from DB2 to Oracle. In the past we have deleted old work items (we began using our project areas in 2009), but learned that RTC merely performs "soft deletes" of the work items and they are not actually removed from the database. We stopped deleting data since one of the driving forces was to try to reduce our disk foot print and the sound of soft deletes would not ever recover space. Our DB tablesspaces for RTC are a couple hundred gig.
I was lead to believe that RTC can now perform hard deletes (actually remove the items from the database), but it is unclear to me if there is a different mechanism to do hard deletes as opposed to soft deletes.
My goal is to reduce the size of the database prior to performing the database migration (repotools -export/import). Or will the repotools -export not export "soft deleted work items?" This is not only for the tablespace footprint concern but also for the amount of time it will take to run the repotools -export/ -import.
So if someone can educate me on my impression of the hard delete/soft delete issue or knows if the repotools -export will not include soft deleted items, I would appreciate it.
CLM 5.0.2 iFix15 (RTC and DNG only). Linux / Websphere 8.5, DB2 10.5 (going to oracle 12c)