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CLM 6.0 upgradtion to CLM 6.0.1

Kunal N (872862) | asked Dec 22 '15, 6:31 a.m.
Hi All,

I have CLM 6.0 environment setup, now need to upgrade to clm 6.0.1.

Do we have any fix pack to upgrade....?
Do we need to follow some steps to upgrade to clm 6.0..?

Thank you,
Kunal N.

One answer

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Diane Everitt (27835) | answered Dec 22 '15, 8:41 a.m.

Hello Kunal,

You can generate the instructions for upgrading CLM 6.0 to 6.0.1 via the Interactive upgrade guide available in 6.0.1 Product Documentation

Please note that there are, currently, no iFixes (Fix Packs) available for 6.0.1 release.

I hope this helps.



Paul Ellis commented Dec 22 '15, 9:40 a.m.

Hi Diane/Kunal,

iFix 1 is due out imminently.  It should certainly be available in the next day or so and it is highly advised that this is applied before entering production use.

If you follow the instructions supplied by Diane and then follow the readme for iFix 1 (when published) then that should be all.  Typically this involves creating a server/patch directory and copying the contents of the patch into there, but please follow the instructions once published.

Kind regards,

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