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How do I have to check the index for corruptions?

We notice a lot of "CRJZS6072W The server did not shut down properly, which might have corrupted the text indexes located at ..." messages in the logfiles when restarting WAS failed and the java.exe had to be killed.
I'm not willing to fix whats not broken.
How do I have to check the index for corruptions?
Accepted answer

Hi Danny,
assuming CLM 6.0.6 ifix004 on Windows servers with Oracle? (just a guess ...). Still on WAS? I am having good experiences with Liberty. That said, the only command I currently know that verifies both JFS and text indices for integrity is https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSYMRC_6.0.6/com.ibm.jazz.install.doc/topics/r_repotools_verifyjfsindexes.html
All indices background as usual found in https://jazz.net/library/article/1271 and https://jazz.net/library/article/1272

Thanks, Arne. The support requested us to open an enhancement request for an index verification tool but as none of my ERs has ever been implemented this wasn't an acceptable advice.

Understandable. If you want to drop me an email at <name>.<name> at methodpark dot de I can comment some more.