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Staging Environment - Fresh install vs Modifying current (upgrade preparation)

Mahari Hill (4861179230) | asked Feb 16 '16, 9:12 a.m.
CLM 502
ms sql server

Previous owner set up a copy of our production on a UAT machine. Now I want to get a fresh copy of production, do the server rename, and test the upgrade to 601.

Is it "wiser" to get a copy of the productions dbs, modify the conf directory files like,etc...or should I install another "fresh" instance of 502 in another directory and go from then modify those files? Is one way better than the other?


Brett Bohnn commented Feb 16 '16, 9:54 a.m.

Hi Mahari,

I think you should do an installation of 5.0.2 in another directory and move over and modify and other configuration files, e.g. log4j.properites, any of the Tomcat configuration files (server.xml, web.xml, tomcat-users.xml) if you are using Tomcat).


One answer

permanent link
Kot T. (1.5k11319) | answered Feb 16 '16, 1:59 p.m.
The process to set up staging environment with Prod data can be found in the links below:

Staging a test environment for the upgrade process:

Setting up a test staging environment with production data:

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