does each application like RTC,RQM,DNG have their own seperate data base or Single Database of jazz server shared by all?
Accepted answer
Also. Prior to v5.x JTS and DNG shared the same database.
See "Storage separation for the Requirements Management application" Here: 5.0 News and Noteworthy "Requirements management data is now stored in its own database. Previously, that data was stored in the Jazz Team Server database. Separating data from the central Jazz Team Server has several advantages............................" vijayakumar ramesh selected this answer as the correct answer
3 other answers
Ralph Schoon (63.3k●3●36●46)
| answered Jul 02 '15, 3:50 a.m.
Applications that need a database have their own database. See
You can consider that all the Jazz applications are loosely coupled. If you go through the installation process you would see that every single of them has a dedicated database.
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