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Server renaming failed in DM application

Kanagasabapathi R (17214) | asked Sep 23 '16, 12:27 a.m.
We are facing issue with DM during the server renaming. We have cloned the production data (CLM 6.0.1 iFix006 & RDM 6.0.1 iFix005) to staging and performed the server renaming process. While running "https://<jazz_alias>:<japp_port>/jts/serverRenameStatus" in verify application (DM) we got error as shown in attached screenshot.

Donald Nong commented Sep 23 '16, 1:02 a.m.

Donald Nong commented Sep 23 '16, 1:05 a.m.

If you haven't contacted Support, please do so, as this is not the kind of issue that you can resolve on a forum.

Kanagasabapathi R commented Sep 23 '16, 3:06 a.m.

Ok thank you

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