Is it possible to upgrade Rational Rhapsody Design Manager 4.0.6 to 5.0.2 with RTC/RQM/DNG?
Is it possible to upgrade Rational Rhapsody Design Manager 4.0.6 to 5.0.2 with RTC/RQM/DNG?
I can not find any option about Rhapsody Design Manager. (for example, options in "1) Select an application to upgrade" and options in "8a) Select the products to integrate with" of 5.0.2 Knowledge Center.
I can find "Rational Rhapsody Design Manager" option in "Select the applications to upgrade" of 6.0.3 Knowledge Center.
My customer plans to upgrade CLM 4.0.6 to 6.0.3. CLM means RTC, RQM, DNG, and Rhapsody DM which shares same JTS.
One answer
I was able to find the documentation for Design management 5.0.2 and the upgrade section: