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Is it possible to disable the DataWarehouse when installing with repotools-jts -setup?

Lara Ziosi (33811112) | asked Feb 20 '15, 4:23 a.m.
CLM provides a way to automate the JTS setup instead of running it interactively.
On a Test machine where you just installed CLM, you must first record a properties file as follows:
./ -setup includeLifeCycleProjectStep=true repositoryURL=https://hostname:9443/jts adminUserId=ADMIN adminPassword=ADMIN

while doing the above, I saw no way to disable the Data Warehouse. Can it be done somehow when playing back the setup on another machine with the command:

./ -setup includeLifeCycleProjectStep=true repositoryURL=https://hostname:9443/jts adminUserId=ADMIN adminPassword=ADMIN

(For example, Design Manager does not use the Data Warehouse)

Lara Ziosi commented Feb 23 '15, 1:29 p.m. | edited Feb 24 '15, 2:53 a.m.

I'm sorry if I was unclear, but it was a question.

Is it possible to disable the creation of the Data Warehouse?

I did not see any way to do it. Thanks, Lara

Ralph Schoon commented Feb 24 '15, 3:10 a.m.

During the first steps of the setup you can skip the creation of the datawarehouse (custom setup). I am pretty sure I have done that in the past. I am also pretty sure that in that case a property was added to the

Is the jts/setup step recorded in these steps, Lara? Sorry, I have not played with response files for quite some time. Maybe I don't get the point in your question.

Francois-xavier Panaget commented Feb 24 '15, 3:46 a.m.

Hi Ralph,

I had the same problem as Lara when I tried to automate the setup.
It seems that there is no equivalent skip property to add  the response file. It is not recorded and added to the response file.
If you run the setup afterwards interactively (custom setup) with your web browser you can see the skip option is not checked..
The only option had to choose was to leave the default derby Db settings for the datawarehouse.

To me it sounds like an enhancement to the repotools-jts -setup  to record as well the datawarehouse skipping and the disabling during the automaton playback.


Ralph Schoon commented Feb 24 '15, 3:50 a.m.

It would have to be an enhancement for all applications, I guess. The option needs to be checked for all applications.

Francois-xavier Panaget commented Feb 24 '15, 4:11 a.m.

You might be right .. I thought there should it be a setup foundation enhancement that all applications could leverage?

One answer

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Martha (Ruby) Andrews (3.0k44351) | answered Aug 27 '15, 12:06 p.m.

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