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Do you have instructions for installing Rational Synchronization Server on Linux. All the instructions I have found are for windows installations.

I did the best I could with the windows instructions. I have installed a separate Tomcat and pointed the RSS environment variable CATALINA_HOME to the tomcat installation and JRE_HOME to the jre 1.6 installation on the Linux box. I tested the Tomcat installation via a web page and everything in Tomacat works. When I try to actually install RSS using the 1.4.05 installer for Linux on Redhat 6.x everything seems to go fine and then I get installation error messages. Please see the log. I can't find the log. I would like to know where the Linux instructions are and where the log would be relative to the installation directory. Another bit of info, I selected to install the server and Rational Change to RTC synchronizer.
Thanks ahead.
Donald Nong
Jul 22 '16, 4:59 a.m.A tough call. Many links (not that many actually) related to it are already broken. The strange thing is I cannot find it in the Software Compatibility Report or the End of Service list - as if it has not existed before.