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Eclipse 5.0.2 compatible with Windows10

Hello, Hello!!
Good Day.
I have change my machine and it has Win10, now; I need to install Eclipse 5.0.2 in order to work on my jazz project, but I did not found how, could you help me??
Also if I can work with my project on csnext, do I load something to work wit it???
GIZEH Mendoza
One answer

Sorry Mercedes, Windows 10 is not officially supported by RTC 502 as per https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Deployment/CLMSystemRequirements50#B1_Client_Operating_Systems.
You should use one of the supported OS or upgrade your CLM to a version which supports client on a Win10 machine, as per instance 604: https://www.ibm.com/software/reports/compatibility/clarity-reports/report/html/softwareReqsForProduct?deliverableId=AABCB010616211E5A8DABB56563AC132&osPlatforms=Windows&duComponentIds=D005|D007|D006|D008|S002|S009&mandatoryCapIds=30|9|24|35|13|132|42|19|16|26|40&optionalCapIds=133|66|135|7|5|12|1|187|136|19|137|27|4&cm_mc_uid=39648846884615172260380&cm_mc_sid_50200000=1517253839#prereqs-8