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CLM Server deleted accidentally

nicky john (3135) | asked Jun 21 '16, 2:09 a.m.

The issue description is as follows,

There are 2 servers namely server1 and server2,

1.   Server 1 has DB2 10.5 installed on it and has the following database’s

·         JTS

·         CCM

·         RM

·         DW

·         RICM

2.   Server 2 has WAS 8.5.5 and CLM (JTS, CCM, RM and RRDI) 5.0.2 installed. 

Server 2 was accidentally deleted and now we need to reconfigure the application to use the existing data.

What would be the procedure to reconfigure the application without any data loss?


Nicky C.J   

One answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jun 21 '16, 2:34 a.m.
You are supposed to have a backup - this is something that one prepares up front. Here some details:

If this does not help contact IBM Support.

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