CLM 6.0.1 on Red Hat Linux: recommendations to deploy converter.war applicaiton

Please let me know the recommendations / best practices for CLM 6.0.1 to deploy Requirements Management view mode version of the graphical artifacts, converter.war on Red Hat Linux sever.
CLM 601 knowledge center states on Linux systems, there is a limitation that the Converter application (converter.war) and Design Manager applications (dm.war) cannot coexist on the same application server and must be deployed on separate application servers.
I wanted to know if I need to request another Linux VM dedicated for converter.war application. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Accepted answer

The aforementioned knowledge center pretty much tells you already to deploy RM and DM on different nodes. So, consider to follow that advice. In general here are the suggested topologies: . We don't recommend to use other topologies than enterprise topologies. Note, the reverse proxy is not optional but mandatory to keep a common public URI root.