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Can you point me to the exact location to download the DM, RELM, VVC, LQE and RS components for JTS ver 5.0.2 ?

Willie Wilson (623) | asked Oct 03 '16, 8:17 p.m.
I and reinstalling JTS 5.0.2 onto a test platform to mirror my production setup in order to prepare for upgrade to 6.0.2.  I have installed the JTS 5.0.2 basic CLM including CCM, QM, RM and CLM.  The other components were not part of the download. 

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Oct 03 '16, 11:12 p.m.
Hi, Willie

DM(including VVC), RELM(LQE is a part of RELM in v5.x) can be downloaded as a part of SSE solution here:

JRS (and DCC) in v5.0.2 is a part of RRDI download hence you need to download RRDI and install JRS
component from there:


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