Creation of JKE sample project with DM integrated with CLM responds with HTTP/1.1 4-- Bad request
3 answers
- Do I really need to install DM in a separate app server or profile?
- Why is the derby data base for DM not being created properly and is there a way to fix this?
- I don't yet have access to the PMR system but yes I agree this is a PMR.
This has nothing to do with Rhapsody or RSA as far as I can tell
Which DM (and CLM) version did you use?
Have you installed DM RSA or DM Rhapsody?
For RSA DM you need to install the RSADM.war application (IBM Rational Software Architect Extension for Design Management Domain Extension Application).
This application is required for the displaying of diagram, importing models, etc...
The Sample JKE banking project contains a step to import the RSA sample model into the project area. This needs the RSA DM domain extension server to be up and running.
Regarding your questions:
- The RM converter application and the DM RSA Domain extension server are both requiring a DISPLAY thread to be able to generate the graphical image information (artifacts, diagram, ...) .
To make sure they are not interfering with each other, it required not to have them installed on the same machine/server.
Check out as well the article
There are ways to install the RM converter application with a delegated configuration.There is a similar way for the RSA DM domain extension server.
- I have never seen problem configuring DM to use a derby database... We would need to get further details on what you saw and see problem the logs.
- Finally, yes I would advise you to contact your support team so they can investigate what went wrong.
In answer to your questions:
1.) I am using CLM and DM 6.0.1 and installing iFix 1
2.) I have installing DM RSA
3.) I have the extension server included
4.) I can now get the the JKE banking sample to create the data for all the applications - CCM, RM, QM, DM. Topology is JTS, CCM, RM, QM, RS, DCC, DM and the extension server all in one WAS Liberty Profile.
5.) I am now installing this on Windows and not Linux so I do not think the DISPLAY variable is an issue. The documentation is confusing here because is says don't place DM in the same app server as RM and the converter but the topology diagrams in the Knowledge Center show them all together. I will check out the links you have provided.