CLM 6.0 Department and Enterprise Toplogy

I am planning for CLM 6.0 environment which should initially support 100 concurrent users and it should be scalable as needed in about a year for upto 100 concurrent users. I cannot get large server VMs provisioned much ahead of time. Hence the ability to scale as needed is critical. I wanted to know if the topology below can be used to start with:
Application servers (Linux RHEL 6 64 Bit):
Server 1: JTS, WAS and IBM HTTP Server (IHS) for reverse proxy.
Server 2: CCM, QM, RM and Apache Tomcat
Server 3: Database server (Linux RHEL 6 64 Bit): Running either Oracle 11.2 or higher or DB2 10.5.3
Server 4 (Linux RHEL 6 64 Bit): LDAP and DNS server
As the number of users grow I plan to move the applications CCM, QM and RM to separate, dedicated Linux servers. If DM is needed I can install in another dedicated server by itself. Dedicated application servers can use either Apache Tomcat or WAS. Any help will be appreciated.
One answer

If you are able to provision your Jazz side VMs with 8-16G ( maybe even up to 32G ) of RAM and a reasonable storage ( eg 50-100G ) that should prove capable of handling several hundred (or more) users. There will be storage requirements on those for things like search indices and dashboard storage. Also application logs can consume a fair amount of storage, especially if there are requirements to have a certain time-frame covered ( e.g. last 90 days )
For an idea of jazz side storage, I support 20 applications on a rather large power7 LPAR and storage used for logs, indicies, dashboards is around 126G ( mostly NCSA Http logs ). Our biggest applications have ~2K users registered, but looking at the license reports, never more than 600-700 active during busy times.

Thanks for your response. I am planning to request a server with lots of server resources for database server. I wanted to know if there will be any issues with using WAS on JTS server and Apache Tomcat on CCM, QM and RM servers.

[WebUI] Users will become tired of having to login to each separate application as I don't think you can configure single sign-on betwixt Tomcat/WAS unless you use the new Jazz Single Sign-on option.
I have 30+ WebSphere providing different aspects of CLM ( ccm, qm, dcc ) all are configured with common LTPA keys.
Also, administering jazz roles for the CLM application is simpler when WebSphere is the application server. With tomcat you'd have to let the war file deploy, stop the server, update its web.xml for roles and role mappings.
There are pretty good documents regarding deployment [ e.g. Deployment ]