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How to setup Rational Common Licensing token service keys for CLM 6.0.x

Javaria Hameed (403847) | asked Feb 04 '16, 8:40 a.m.

I want to setup Rational Common Licensing token service keys for CLM 6.0.x. My requirement is to have license server to be a separate server from the JTS server. For that I need to have license.dat and files (as per the IBM Knowledge Center). From Rational License Key Center, I am only getting ZIP files containing jar files.

Any ideas from where I can get the license.dat and files for the separate license server?


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Madan Kumar (111) | answered Feb 05 '16, 5:29 a.m.
 Hi Javaria

In the License Key Center, you will see two options 1) Download License Keys & 2) Download Jazz keys.
To get license.dat file, click 'Download License Keys'.
To get file. click 'Download Jazz keys'.

Hope this helps.

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