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Why is CLM 6.0.2 repotools_jts.sh -setup SNAFU-ed by a "General Authentication" error with localhost:9443

Repo Tools Provisioning using "./conf/jts/provision_profiles". CRJAZ2906E The following URL could not be reached because of a general authentication error: https://localhost:9443/jts
One answer

That would be immediately useful versus the current ambiguous remark about connectivity issues.

The RepoLockId issue may be one of the reasons but it is not the only reason. The General Authentication error can recur even when the DB2 Database instance has virgin tables and the teamserver.properties file has no RepoLockId property.

It is interesting and probably relevant that, when the CRJAZ2906E issue is reported by repotools_jts.sh -setup that after then having run through a Web interactive setup to completion that I can return to the command-line repotools_jts.sh -setup request, retry that, and the CRJAZ2906E error is not encountered.
- there is something capricious in the environment and that the CRJAZ2906E error may or may not occur regardless of what I as administrator may be attempting
- there is something in the parameters.properties or initial teamserver.properties settings that is incorrect which the Web setup corrects.

repotools-jts.sh -setup can also run into this error midway:

I suspect that there are several scalability issues that are snafu-ing the repotools-jts.sh -setup process.

The entire JTS service is launched from either an init.d script or an upstart script using start-stop-daemon and this daemonizer does not participate in the PAM services.