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RTC 5.0.2 - Question on Plan view display parameter

Hello Team,
We are using RTC 5.0.2. I have a question in the plan view.
Steps to reproduce:
I have a custom workitem called Theme. Under which I have an epic as a child. Also the epic contains stories and tasks as children items.
Now in the timelines I have created an iteration called theme backlog which contains sub-iterations.
So All my themes will be planned for the theme backlog and the epics will be part of different sub-iterations. The main use case is to see Themes & epics which are planned with "Parent-Child" structure.
Scenario 1:
In my plan when I set the display as Tree - parent <> child - depth - level 1(include children from other plan
RTC accumulates all the child tasks planned for information and displays the bar (of course there are tasks which a were planned in july however this seems to be a realistic plan, totally agreed)
Scenario 2:
In my plan when I set the display as Flat
Now I am able to see the desired result what I want. The plan only shows the themes and epics as I have planned them. It does not consider the child stories/tasks accumulation.
My Question is in the first diagram if I keep depth as Level 1, Then RTC should consider only the themes & it's 1 level child epics correct ? why is it considering also the epic's children & tasks accumulation ? This being the reason I loose my parent-child relationship & I have to have a user defined sorting.
Can someone correct me if my understanding is wrong ?
Thanks in advance,
Vishnu M