Where do you set projectcontext or GLOBAL_CONTEXT value?
fronting.server.core.jpi.internal.JTSQueryService - **** WARNING **** THIS QUERY IS SLOW **** This query specifies 'null' for 'projectContext' and is therefore searching across ALL projects. If this is intended, please supply QueryServiceParameters.GLOBAL_CONTEXT which will supress this message.
Where does one set these values so that the query is more efficient assuming that this will help our queries not time out?
Accepted answer
Any suggestions on where to look on why queries time out. In particular, I'm trying to do RRC query view that allows me to see what artifacts are under suspicion for given modules associated with a given release collection. Therefore, my filter is "Requirement", Modified after a given date, where used = list of use case modules that are part of a given collection. Suspicion column added to view. This works for one view, but times out for a different collections view. Also would like to add where used column. But again, seems to really load the system. We had the default timeout of 30seconds but doubled this and it doesn't seem to help. Takes about 2 minutes before timeout message appears.
Some more clarifications:
- not a "collections view" but the artifacts view which is filtered based on use case modules specified in a given collection (i.e. view collection, write down use cases and manually add to filter, and filtered on artifact type = requirement, modified date >= 6/1/2015
- not "where used" column but "used in modules" column
- there are currently 9247 artifacts of type requirement