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Seeing extra logins when moving between RRC and RTC on CLM 3.0.1

Steve Arnold (28131511) | asked May 09 '13, 4:42 a.m.

I've got a customer who is being prompted to keep logging in when moving between RRC and RTC, or when moving between RTC projects.  We don't believe the sessions are timing out - and the customer cannot reliably reproduce the behaviour.  They are using CLM 3.0.1.

Is this something that has improved from v3 to v4 - or can anyone explain what might be happening ?

Thanks in advance


Guido Schneider commented May 10 '13, 5:32 a.m.

We have same issues since beginning, Regardless which Jazz version. Regardless if one or multiple profiles. We tried several things except writing a PMR.

My current configuration is:
- V.4.0.2
- five WAS profiles (JTS, CCM, QM, RM, RRDI)
- IHS as frontend Webserver with WAS plugin to have ONE stable URI for all applications
- standard port 443
- one LTPA SSO domain
- same SSO Password imported in all profiles

But we have randomly to login. Middle of edditing any artifacts.

We thought it may have to do with license expiration, but we have not found a pattern yet.

I think it must be somewhere in the LTPA setup.

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Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103) | answered May 09 '13, 4:56 a.m.
Hi Steve,
If you are using WAS, you can try setting http tracing to log such information.

Anyway I remember that the users had such issue when RTC and RRC were installed on the same server but used different port. Is it the configuration which you have already? If yes, then there is rather web browser issue but you will be able to chenge the behavior by performing server rename.

Steve Arnold commented May 09 '13, 5:03 a.m. | edited Jan 27 '14, 10:02 a.m.


They are actually installed on the same server, on the same port number - so its not that.

Thanks for the http tracing idea though - thanks.


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