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DOORS 9.5: The QM column does not show the RQM test case ID:SUmmary but just "Type".

1. The QM OSLC column in DOORS 9.5 does not show the linked test case properly. It just shows “Type”.
2. On the other hand, the OSLC link for RM behave wired. In this case, “364” is the requirement ID in RRC. The “Feature Req 1” is the summary of the RRC requirement. The above picture looks ok. However, if I click on another DOORS entry, the RM entry got changed to “364:31:DOORS Test Case 1” where “32:DOORS Test Case 1” is really the RQM test case (ID:<summary>). See picture below. If I click on another entry again, it now shows the RTC task work item “96”. Yes, within CLM, the RRC req, RQM test case, and RTC task are associated. Is this the expected behavior for DOORS?
(please see my comments below for the other two pictures)
3 answers


Issue #2 I am not familiar with and 'weird' does describe it. A PMR probably is best there. But I would also try it if possible in as it has quite a few fixes. See http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27036720#9501
Frank Ning
Mar 31 '13, 9:55 p.m.