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Roundtrip csv export-import to rrc

Shirley Jhirad (514251) | asked Mar 20 '13, 6:40 a.m.
I am using rrv 4.0.1 and i want to export artifacts from rrc  to a csv file, update their values in xls and then return them to rrc again.
so i exported some artifacts including the ID field and edited them.
Then when i re imported the csv it created new artifacts and did not update the existing one.
I was sure i saw this working in the past and now i don't.

Can someone please advise?


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Petru Acsinte (1311) | answered Mar 20 '13, 9:32 a.m.

The roundtrip capability is not supported by the CSV import/export. There is a request for enhancement in that regard: [RM] CSV import / Export (Round Trip Capability) (44296)

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