[CLM6] RDNG new editor still requiring installation of add-on?
I installed a new instance of CLM6 and wanted to evaluate the new RDNG editor capabilities expecting that as of this release i could create/edit diagrams in RDNG using web browser on platforms different than windows (in my case mostly MacOSX).
I was surprised to get a message (using a desktop web browser on Mac) saying that the platform was not supported. I then went into a VM in which I have windows running then trying to create/edit diagrams, it was ok but it still asked me to install an add-in (exactly as with release 5).
What did i not watched regarding the change in the editor capabilities?
Accepted answer
To activate the new diagram editor, you need to use the new Artifact Format "Diagram", when creating a new artifact. If you use one of the RRCx formats (Storyboard, Flow Diagram, Part, etc.) for the artifact format it will require the RRCx plug-in.
One of the easiest ways is to create a new artifact type with diagram as the default format. Alternatively use one of the existing artifact types, and change the format in the create dialogue to diagram.
One of the easiest ways is to create a new artifact type with diagram as the default format. Alternatively use one of the existing artifact types, and change the format in the create dialogue to diagram.
Hi Olivier,
What Robin said is right. The old addons are just too platform and browser dependent.
In order to work with more browsers (eg. Chrome) and platforms (eg. Mac), a new artifact format "diagram" is introduced in DNG 6.0.
If you ever worked with MS Visio, you will find DNG 6.0 diagrams familiar.
There are Flowcharts, Use Case Diagram, Business Process Modeling, UML Structure Diagrams, UML Behavior Diagrams and Data Flow Diagram.
Try it, you will love it.
There is also a new JKE Banking Project Template that has the old sample diagrams update with the new free-form diagram format
We are working to make these new project templates available as a new Money That Matters sample in a future release.
There is also a new JKE Banking Project Template that has the old sample diagrams update with the new free-form diagram format
We are working to make these new project templates available as a new Money That Matters sample in a future release.
2 other answers
Howard, Robin,
Thanks a lot, you were right. I didn't selected the "right" type of artefact (cfr. "diagram") which explains why I couldn't experienced the new diagram editor capabilities.
- Good job. The usability of this new diagram editor is much better than the previous thanks to a much better responsiveness when drawing but also thanks to a much better rendering of the diagrams. And the fact it is not anymore dependent on the OS in which the desktop web browser is running is making me happy too.
- Suggested enhancements:
1. A must is to have the same ability like in the former (visual) artefact types (use case, simple process, etc) to have have requirement artefact visualized in it. The actual diagram editor does not permit to visualize for example a "use case" artefact directly in the diagram; instead, we have to create a visual represnetation of the use case then link that visual representation to the "use case" artefact. This does nto help with maitaining consistency between the "test/module" based artefacts and their usage/represnetation in the "diagram" based ones.
2. A could (for me) would be customizable pre-defined association styles per visual element. For example when linking an actor with another element (another actor, or a use case or a note), the diagram editor should allow me to select one of the pre-defined style for a connector (e.g. arrow-ed or not plain connector between actor/use-case, plain closed empty arrow connector between two 2 use case to express generalization, etc)
3. A should would be a customizable palette of visual element. For example, after having grouped several visual elements together add this as a template (reusable visual element) in the palette and eventually associate it to a "text"-based artefact type. Example, I have business rule as an artefact type. I then can drag-drop (or insert) business rule in a diagram and this will result in a particular visual representation of the business rule in teh diagram.
Taki Nakajo
Jul 06 '15, 5:49 a.m.Hi Olivier, Which browser are you using on Mac?