Jazz user email address not updating from LDAP
The Jazz Server is not reflecting updated LDAP email addresses, even if the manual “repotools-jts –syncUsers” command is issued.
The problem occurs when a new user is added to LDAP with an “Unknown” email address. Jazz pulls in that user and allows them to log in and use RTC/RQM/RRC. When the new user’s email address is known and LDAP is modified accordingly, it never shows up in the Jazz user information. It remains “Unknown”.
Using the RTC Eclipse client, I can edit an affected user, click 'Change' next to their email address and see the correct email from LDAP. Selecting it and saving updates the Jazz user info, so I have a work around.
Is there anyway to force Jazz to update the emails based on LDAP setting? Again, I have run the repotools-jts -syncUsers command which had no effect.
I am using Jazz v3.0.1, btw.
Jerry Shengulette
JAZZ DEVELOPER Sep 25 '12, 1:28 p.m.Have you drilled down into here? http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/clmhelp/v3r0/topic/com.ibm.jazz.repository.web.admin.doc/topics/cldapsynctask.html
Karl Weinert
JAZZ DEVELOPER Sep 26 '12, 3:43 p.m.I find it odd that you can modify the user account. When I have LDAP set up all my user properties are read only. Did you have to change something to get that working? Have you checked the sync feed: https://<server>:<port>/jts/events?provider=ldapnightlysync and the repotools-jts_syncUsers.log What LDAP server are you using? About how many users do you have?
Bo Chulindra
JAZZ DEVELOPER Sep 26 '12, 3:56 p.m.@kweinert: I don't think he is modifying the user account. The information in LDAP is modified but not from within CLM. I believe the 'Change' button in the RTC Eclipse client allows the user to choose which email account in their LDAP user info they would like to use for the Jazz Team Server. This is generally only used when LDAP has multiple email addresses for some user.