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JRS 6.0.1 - How to see project areas when building a report?

Cameron McKay (571021) | asked Dec 05 '16, 12:39 p.m.

I have recently installed JRS 6.0.1 with RS, DCC and LQE.  Each application exists on its own Windows Server and WebSphere application server.  I've registered all of these with JTS, indexed LQE and ran all the DCC jobs successfully.

I have several project areas for RM, QM and CCM.  When I go to build a report, the only project areas that appear for my admin user are the default JKE banking ones.

My question is "how I can get the other project areas to display when creating a report?"  Right now I only see JKE Banking in the list, how can I increase the number of project areas I see?  Do I need to add my logged in user to a specific group to see each project area?

Cheers, Cam.

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Dec 05 '16, 8:08 p.m.
Hi, Cam

First check JRS data source and see if Enable project access control is checked, if yes, you will need to check each
project area's Access Control. By default, it is allowed the member of project area to access to the project area. If that is the case, you will need to be a member of that project area. Then run full dcc jobs to get it populated into data warehouse. You should be able to see the project areas after that.

Another good discussions on the similar problem is here:

Cameron McKay commented Dec 06 '16, 12:09 p.m.

Hey Don, 

Thanks for the response.

Where do I go to check the JRS data source to see if enable project access control is checked?

Cheers, Cam.

Don Yang commented Dec 06 '16, 5:57 p.m.

Hi, Cam

If you select data source menu on the right head(I checked in 6.0.2 though), then open the Data warehouse data source and you would see the 'Enable project access control' menu.

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