RequisitePro baseline import to RRC: missing contents of word document
I created a full baseline in ReqPro which contains quite a bit number of MS word documents used to create ReqPro requirements in the past. After I imported the baseline archieve file into RRC, the project was created with all those artifacts corresponding to different original ReqPro requirement types. All those original word documents were "migrated" to artifacts in RRC. However, those artifacts contain only the version history of the word document and no contents at all.
Did any try the import before and have similar issue solved?
Thanks and Regards
One answer
Hi Brad,
Sorry for missing the version info.
RRC: V4.0.0.1
ReqPro: 7.1.2
The issue is that the import of reqpro baseline created one artifact for each word document but that artifact contains only the file's change history and has no contents from its original word doc.
Once the import finishes there is a RequisitePro migration summary document, please can you open the error log from that document and see what errors appear for the word documents.
The migration first creates the RRC artifact, saves the RequisitePro document history in the first revision and then parses the contents of the RequisitePro document, and creates another revision of the RRC artifact with the conversion. It would appear that this conversion is failing.
What version of MS Word are you using?
I would also suggest contacting Tech Support and providing them with the baseline so that development can look at the files.