Add Active Directory Group to RTC/RQM Project Area Administrators
We have deployed RTC/RQM with LDAP integration, we can add all the users form Active Directory to RTC or RQM, but now we need to add a Active Directory group to our Project Areas as administrators because every time that we have a new employee we must give i´m visibility of all the Project Areas without have to enter in every Project Area and manually add that user to the Project Area.
If we had the possibility to add a Active Directory group to all Project Areas that we create every time that we add a new user to that group we should be able to achieve what we need.
Is there any workaround to achieve our goal?
Thank you
Donald Nong
Mar 10 '15, 11:54 p.m.I don't think the Jazz users carry a "group" attribute, or there is a "user group" in Jazz.