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[CLM administration] Limits / Recommendations and “Educated guesses” for CLM/RTC/RQM/RRC (and EM products: RTC EE, RDz, RD&T, RAA,...)

Stephane Leroy (1.4k149) | asked Sep 06 '13, 10:53 a.m.
edited Jun 27 '14, 10:04 a.m.

as a CLM administrator, do you wonder where to search when asking yourself the following questions:
  • "How many users (total or concurrent) can my CLM environment support ?“
  • “RTC rollout at our company is close to reach a second milestone (additional teams will use the tool). What planning (HW/SW) should we have wrt. these modifications?
  • “We have this huge number of CLM (RTC/RQM/RRC) artefacts. Will my CLM environment still handle this without any performance degradation as we continue adding artefacts into our repository ?“
  •  “What are the intrinsic CLM product limitations and – if one is concerning me – what approach should I adopt to keep on working smoothly with my CLM ?“



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Stephane Leroy (1.4k149) | answered Sep 06 '13, 10:55 a.m.
edited Mar 24 '14, 12:30 p.m.
This recent blog post "CLM,RTC,RQM,RRC: recommendations and “educated guesses” for limitations" provides a consolidated view of the available information in the area:

Regards / Stéphane

Stephane Leroy commented Mar 24 '14, 12:28 p.m. | edited Jun 27 '14, 10:05 a.m.

Created similar Recommendations and “educated guesses” for limitations for Rational EM (Enterprise Modernization) products :
- RTC EE (Rational Team Concert Enterprise Extensions)
- RDz (Rational Developer for System z)
- RD&T (Rational Development and Test Environment for System z)
- RAA (Rational Asset Analyzer)
- ...


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