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Repotools -rebuildTextIndices throwing error

I am receiving error when I try to rebuild the indexes:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: CRJAZ1840W The driver "com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver" could not be loaded and registered. This JDBC driver jar must be provided in a path configured by the server scripts. Please ensure that the driver is in the expected location of "D:\Progra~1\IBM\JazzTeamServer\server\sqlserver" or consult product setup instructions to change the location.
So far, I have changed the relative paths in the teamserver.properties file to absolute paths. I have also added a new environment variable called SQLSERVER_ABSPATH as the post suggests but no luck...
Does anyone has any idea on how to fix this problem. This command ran without issue in test environment and has fixed the indexing issue I am facing in production. I am anxious to get it working. Please help.
One answer

sqljdbc4.jar file on your system. Hope it helps,