How to automatically refresh Rhapsody model from Rhapsody DM client
When working with model which is saved on DM server from Rhapsody client, generally user need intentionally click menu [Design Manager]->[Refresh] to bring the latest model info to client side.
Is that possible to make the "refresh" work automatically, like call "refresh" every couple of minutes?
If automatically "refresh" is not implemented in the tool, can anyone here help to explain why the tool was designed like this way?
Thanks and Regards
When working with model which is saved on DM server from Rhapsody client, generally user need intentionally click menu [Design Manager]->[Refresh] to bring the latest model info to client side.
Is that possible to make the "refresh" work automatically, like call "refresh" every couple of minutes?
If automatically "refresh" is not implemented in the tool, can anyone here help to explain why the tool was designed like this way?
Thanks and Regards