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Need abiltiy to quickly test JTS new SSE installation as ready for production

We have an installation of JTS 5.0.2 (Systems and Software Engineering Solution) on Red Hat Linux with LDAP support for 2 different Active Directory domains. I need a test plan to qualify that the JTS installation is complete. Our current products are RTC, RQM, DNG (and also OSLC connections to D9.x), Rhapsody Design Manager, and RDDI (or RPE templates for DOORS and Rhapsody 8.1.1.). Does anyone have a suggestion to what I can use that is maybe a part of RQM so that I can get quick results? Is there a Method Composer workflow or template to test a new JTS installation?
2 answers

RQM does not offer an native support for validating a CLM installation. However, you can use RQM to create and manage a manual (or automated - e.g. RFT) test case.
You could use the Money that Matters Lifecycle Scenario (https://jazz.net/rm/web#action=com.ibm.rdm.web.pages.showArtifact&artifactURI=https://jazz.net/rm/resources/_-QrUATKjEeGFPKPBgbKpsA) to validate a CLM installation.
You could use the Money that Matters Lifecycle Scenario (https://jazz.net/rm/web#action=com.ibm.rdm.web.pages.showArtifact&artifactURI=https://jazz.net/rm/resources/_-QrUATKjEeGFPKPBgbKpsA) to validate a CLM installation.