Tell me about your favourite documents
Hi again - We are working on some new out-of-the-box reporting templates to help make it a little easier to build all those pesky documents everyone keeps asking you for ;-) I would love to hear your ideas on the right mix of artifacts you would like to see in a cross-product document template for our systems and software engineering solution.
Andrew Foster
IBM Rational
Andrew Foster
IBM Rational
One answer
I'm asked for following documents very often, by all projects (list is not complete, just the two most important ones)
- User Story Specification
- Winword document or PDF for review. Still not all reviwer are using Jazz and still a lot of people want to review on paper.
- The document should be organside in chapters/clusters according parent/child relationship of a Story. E.g. An EPIC should be a Chapter and all Stories of the Epic should be subchapters. The document should have all specification values out of the RTC Work Item, but no planning data.
- If a OSLC link to a requirement is available, the Requirement should be referenced and the summary of the Requirement Artifact should be included to the document
- If a OSLC link to a defect is available, the defect should be referenced
- Feature List or User Story List
- This list shouls show the plan of the implementation in a parent child work break down
- It is something like a "printout" of a release plan
- Resolves links must be shown
- Dependencies must be shown
- If available a Due-Iteration should be shown in a timeline to see integration points
If you like I could give you some samples for both. At the moment we have started to implement 1) with help of RPE and RRDG and 2) with BIRT.