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to organize lots of views in RRC

Natsumi Yokoyama (209387101) | asked Apr 08 '14, 9:12 p.m.
edited Apr 11 '14, 5:10 p.m. by Michelle De Armas (2612)

Is there any way to organize lots of views in RRC?
For example, hierarchization(like a folder's collapse/expand) or filter which can be define an original rule, like "do not show public view")

I have also checked widgets in RRC. But I can not find useful things, like RTC's ””Work Item Queries".   

My customer uses RRC 4.0.6. They want to define public/private views in RRC. The number of views will increase. It will be inconvenient. So that we need a way to organize lots of views in RRC.

Thank you in advance


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Michelle De Armas (2612) | answered Apr 11 '14, 5:07 p.m.
Hi Natsumi,

I believe you are looking for how to create views. Take a look at these help topics, hopefully they will provide info about how to create the view you need. The first topic is a tutorial and the last topic is about creating tags, which might also be helpful.

Regards, Michelle

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