can anyone explain the internal difference between Rational Doors and RRC?
Hi all,
Can anyone explain me the exact difference between Rational Doors and RRC ?
Actually I am aware of overall difference between these two products but i want to know the internal difference ie related to topics such as-
-creation and reuse of artifact templates and project template,
-Uploading an image in artifacts,
-Creating suspicion profiles,
-creating new artifact type, new attribute, new data type,
-creating new link types
and likewise.
Thanks and regards,
Sanket Ikhar
Accepted answer
In the capabilities of the RM application (running on the sever) and the web UI (also running on the server), the capabilities are identical in DOORS NG 4.0.1 and RRC 4.0.1. They run the exact same code.
In addition DOORS NG offers a rich client that runs on Windows systems.
The other difference is that you can buy RRC licenses directly (or as part of a CLM license), while DOORS NG licenses are part of what you get when you purchase DOORS licenses (you get entitlement and license keys to run DOORS NG or DOORS 9).
Hi Daniel,
Thanks for replying. I got what you want to convey. so can I consider Doors NG 4.0.1 and RRC 4.0.1 have exactly same operational capabilities and both have exact same ways of performing such operations like I mentioned in my question.
thanks in advance,
Sanket Ikhar
FYI: Daniel and Morgan Brown also wrote this article that has a Table: Comparing Rational DOORS 9.x and planned Rational DOORS NG 2012
Also for understanding the data exchange information provided in RRC and DOORS NG there is this help topic that I use all the time:
As well as help tutorials, such as creating suspicion profiles:
Thanks Robin,These links really helped me lot.