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RRC project folders are disappeared

Natsumi Yokoyama (209387101) | asked Mar 17 '14, 3:14 a.m.
edited Mar 17 '14, 3:17 a.m.


All of a sudden, project folders (not partial. all of folders) become disappeared. Artifacts are existing. But all folders are invisible. If I click a link in a bread crumb, it does not work.

As far as i can remember, what i do is  to export ReqIF including folders, to add administrator right to one account,  to add two artifacts in a folder.

We uses RRC 4.0.2. Our server is hosted on private cloud. We do not have Project Admin/Jazz Admin. This symptom is appeared only one project. Another project has no problem.

Does anyone know what kind of operation causes this situation? How to resolve this?

I have read a defect 65769 . So that I am going to check folder caching in the ( to JazzAdmin.

Thank you in advance



Accepted answer

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Mike Jaworski (1.4k6) | answered Mar 17 '14, 8:14 a.m.

This sounds very similar to another customer issue that was reported against RRC 4.0.2 a few months back. In that case, the customer's indices found themselves in an invalid state due to some storage area data being overwritten for some odd, unknown reason. I would strongly suggest that you open a PMR with Rational Support and request the "Storage Area Resource Validator" diagnostic tool, which should be able to address this issue.

Hope this helps,
Mike Jaworski
Natsumi Yokoyama selected this answer as the correct answer

Natsumi Yokoyama commented Mar 18 '14, 6:48 a.m.

Thank you for your quick respond
I did not know Sorage area resource validator.

2 other answers

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Natsumi Yokoyama (209387101) | answered Mar 18 '14, 6:54 a.m.
edited Mar 18 '14, 6:54 a.m.
This is a feedback.

Our problem is caused by defect 85948. When we used firebug to debug another problem, RootFolderUtil was broken. In order to resolve this, we have to rebuild index.
RootFolderUtil may corrupt folders (since it uses an unvalidated context root supplied by the client request)

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Yash Doshi (11412) | answered Jun 10 '14, 11:54 p.m.


We had a similar problem in RRC v403 where we were not able to see only 100 folders in RRC. Above that number, the folder structure was not visible. However, the artifacts in the folders were still present, accessible and working fine.

This issue was resolved by a patch provided to us. Contact IBM support to get more information on the patch.

Yash Doshi commented Jun 10 '14, 11:54 p.m.

We had a similar problem in RRC v403 where we were able to see only 100 folders in RRC

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