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Problems with exisiting parent-child links post CSV import for creating new tasks.

In the current WorkItem Team Area, We have 3- Level of WorkItems. The organization is:
We have a Requirement1 which has a child Scenario1, the Scenario1 has child task1.
I'm trying to import new tasks from a .csv file. the new tasks that I create should be children of task1. Input file is as follows:
Where #1234 is the id of task1.
Post import, the task1 to new-task parent child relationship is created. However, this will also cause the link between Task1 and scenario1 to be broken.
This phenomenon of the grand parent link getting wiped off when establishing a new parent child relationship is evident across all levels, across WorkItem Types.
Please help.
->ScenarioIncident walk-thru:
We have a Requirement1 which has a child Scenario1, the Scenario1 has child task1.
I'm trying to import new tasks from a .csv file. the new tasks that I create should be children of task1. Input file is as follows:
Type | Parent | Summary | Description | Owned By |
Task | #1234 | sample Summary | sample Desc | xyz |
Where #1234 is the id of task1.
Post import, the task1 to new-task parent child relationship is created. However, this will also cause the link between Task1 and scenario1 to be broken.
This phenomenon of the grand parent link getting wiped off when establishing a new parent child relationship is evident across all levels, across WorkItem Types.
Please help.
sam detweiler
Dec 08 '13, 8:57 a.m.if you d this manually, the parent/child link between requirement1 and task1 remains, correct?
a workitem can have only one parent. it could have multiple children.
Badari Narayana
Dec 08 '13, 9:49 p.m.Thanks Sam. I do understand that a workitem can have only one parent. The issue is, post import of "child task" under "Task1", The link between "Task1" and "Scenario1" gets wiped off.
sam detweiler
Dec 08 '13, 10:01 p.m.sounds like a bug. What RTC version is this?
Badari Narayana
Dec 08 '13, 10:03 p.m.RTC