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Trying to import work item updates, but get the error for all rows: The CSV File is missing a proper identifier ... I have the column Id which corresponds to valid records, so Why?

Donna Thomas (14122649) | asked Mar 17 '14, 5:15 p.m.
Trying to import work item updates, but get the error for all rows: The CSV File is missing a proper identifier ... I have the column Id which corresponds to valid records, so Why?

"Id","Acceptance Test","Comments","Description","Resolution"
"34831","","1. Thomas, Donna (Dell) - 5/9/13 8:37 AM test","Training Task.",""

In that example, Id 34831 exists and is editable. I have JazzAdmin group and all permissions in project area.

Any help is greatly appreciated and urgent.

Donna Thomas commented Mar 17 '14, 6:05 p.m.

BTW - using 4.0.5.

sam detweiler commented Mar 17 '14, 6:05 p.m.

usually this happens to me when I say comma separated and its Tab or vice versa 

Donna Thomas commented Mar 17 '14, 6:12 p.m.

I've been using only comma separated for the first 15-20 attempts - all the time confirming the delimiter. Then I started trying to change the delimiter. But I am indicating the difference in the import dialog box.

Donna Thomas commented Mar 17 '14, 6:14 p.m.

Also FYI - I've removed the Comments field, the quotes, tried tab and semi-colon delimiters, and many permutations of ID (like: ID, Id, id, iD... with quotes, without quotes, etc.)

sam detweiler commented Mar 17 '14, 11:42 p.m.

also, did u edit the file at al?  try opening with notepad++ or some editor where u can see the char encoding. I ran into a problem where the encoding was ANSI-UTF8, and the importer couldn't handle it.  I had to explicitly change it to UTF8.. then the importer worked.

excel leaves the file in weird state

Donna Thomas commented Mar 18 '14, 12:49 a.m.

Good idea - thought of the encoding too. I've never had a problem in the past. I double checked with Notepad ++ and it says it is encoded as UTF-8. I'll try resetting the encoding...

Donna Thomas commented Mar 18 '14, 1:05 a.m.

UTF-8 and still doesn't work.

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Donna Thomas (14122649) | answered Mar 18 '14, 2:59 a.m.
Line Feed – not CRLF – just LF. In Notepad it looks like a type-o… but in Notepad ++ it looks normal… so I finally turned on Notepad++ feature to show all hidden characters… and I realized – they didn’t all say CRLF… some were just LF. 

That is in the Comment field – not in the other fields. I got the other fields to work after I removed the Comment field from the import.

So – for the comment field – I found that the last record's comment exported (out of RTC 4.0.5) put in a non-printing character outside the quotes but before the end of line. I found that by removing the CRLFs from the comment field.

NO - I did not test it further to see if removing that non-printing character would fix the import of comments altogether. I was just happy I could get it to work.

sam detweiler commented Mar 18 '14, 6:14 a.m.

great that you found a solution!..

I also had to use tab delimiter when I had multi-row contents on the import (comments, description, acceptance criteria))

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