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Need help resolving " CRRRA2084E: Cannot log on to the report server" while trying to deploy RRDI?

Brian Mooney (11911) | asked Nov 19 '13, 12:18 p.m.
Need help resolving " CRRRA2084E: Cannot log on to the report server" while trying to deploy RRDI?

I have reviewed through the RRDI.setup.log and the cogserver.log and WebSphere logs.  It seems the RIDW db is not connecting to Cognos.  I am able to see the RICM db in DB2 and Cognos and have validated the user credentials.  I am able to see the RIDW db in DB2 and validate user credentials, but I am not able to see the RIDW db in Cognos.  I have tried to follow the directions at, but the directions aren't clear to me.

Win 2008 R2
DB2 v9.7.800.717", "s130316", "IP23428", and Fix Pack "8"
WebSphere - 32 bit
RRDI 2.0.4 - 32 bit


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Rosa Naranjo (2.9k11723) | answered Nov 19 '13, 2:32 p.m.
One of the first things I notice in your post is that you are not referring to the correct infocenter for the version of RRDI that you are running, v2.0.4.  For this version, you should be reviewing the installation and Adminstering topics in the v4.04/v2.0.4 infocenter.  For example,

It's not clear to me from your post where in the installation roadmap you are so it's hard to provide any more assistance.

I recommend this video series that walks through the RRDI install/configuration:
Go to video 9 (Create content store DB, Run Launchpad, Install RRDI 2.0), 10 and 12 (

Modifying Cognos Data Sources with IBM RRDI and Insight)

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