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Which is good practice to use new template for each project or same template for all the projects?

Elias Nawaz (113) | asked May 18 '17, 4:36 a.m.

 Need to create new projects of the same scenario. Is it a good practice to use different template for each project or same template for all the projects.

Will changes made in one project with the same template will impart the changes in the other project template. please advise.

2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered May 18 '17, 5:35 a.m.

This totally depends on how you work. You can use process sharing to reduce maintenance effort but limit flexibility. If every project area has their own project area admin and wants to be independent and you don't have process governance requirements they could have their own process. 

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Paul George (514) | answered May 19 '17, 11:31 a.m.

You can look at templates as a starting point for initialization of a project area, if you want to allow projects to diverge. If you want to enforce consistency, using a master project area will work better. You can decide whether something, say a workflow or editor presentation, is to allow project area customization or to be considered Final. You can export the master project's configuration as a template to allow the best of both worlds.

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